Journal of Innovation in Applied Research (eISSN: 2581-4206)

Jounal of Innovation in Applied Research
(eISSN: 2581-4206)
Crosstalk-interaction of Nitric oxide in plant growth and development under abiotic stress
Plant Biotechnology | Volume 6 (Issue 1&2)

Crosstalk-interaction of Nitric oxide in plant growth and development under abiotic stress

Farhan Ahmad, Aisha Kamal
Open Access   

DOI: 10.51323/JIAR.5.3.2022.13-2



Nitric oxide (NO) is endogenously produced by short-lived free radicles and dispersed inside plant cells where it takes part in the multi-functional physiological role under optimal as well as biotic and abiotic stress. Under harsh conditions, NO modulates the antioxidant system, maintain osmotic balances, and regulates gene expression by different post-translation modification (PTM). Dose-dependent role of NO to ensure plant survival under adverse condition is well-known but still need précised and scientific research to delineate the underlying mechanisms, which are not clearly known. The endogenous level of NO is also an important parameter to mitigate the negative effect of abiotic stress which is directly or indirectly dependent upon the involvement of other growth regulators. The multidimensional role of NO under salinity, drought, heavy metal toxicity, and extreme temperature has also been discussed with updated research available till date for better understanding. In this review, an effort has been made to talk about the portion subordinate job of NO in plant development and the advancement process under the ordinary and ideal procedure. Moreover, the role of NO in major abiotic stress and its cooperation with significant plant development controllers has additionally been critically discussed.

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Department of Biotechnology, Ashoka Institute of Technology and Management, Varanasi (Affiliated to Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow), UP, India- 221007

Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, UP, India-2

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