Journal of Innovation in Applied Research (eISSN: 2581-4206)

Jounal of Innovation in Applied Research
(eISSN: 2581-4206)
Farming practices and crop species influence the population of total and alkaline phosphatase gene harboring bacteria in tropical agro-ecosystem
Agricultural Biotechnology | Volume 5 (Issue 1&2)

Farming practices and crop species influence the population of total and alkaline phosphatase gene harboring bacteria in tropical agro-ecosystem

Neha,Yashpal Bhardwaj,Suresh Kumar Dubey
Open Access   
Published : 30-Apr-2022

DOI: 10.51323/JIAR.5.1.2022.52-68



The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme is encoded by the phoD gene reported majorly in bacteria. In the present study, we investigated variation in the phoD gene abundance, and the relationship between phoD gene abundance, ALP enzyme activity and available P under different farming practice (organic vs conventional), crop species (chickpea, mustard, soybean and maize) and their growth stages (pre-vegetation, vegetative, flowering, maturation and post-harvest). The qPCR analysis revealed variation in total bacterial and phoD gene copy number (copies g-1dws), ranging from 1.40X109 to 9.16X1010 and 1.72X105 to 1.43X107, respectively. The farming practices suggested significant effect with increased activity of ALP, and abundance of phoD and 16S rRNA genes in organic farming than the conventional one. The 16S rRNA and phoD gene abundance varied significantly along different growth stages of crops in the order: flowering > maturation > vegetative > post-harvest > pre-vegetation stages with maximum in maize and lowest in soybean in both the farming practice. In conclusion, farming practices, crop types and crop growth stages influenced soil available P and significantly affected ALP activity by regulating phoD bacterial population in agroecosystem.

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          <subject>Agricultural Biotechnology</subject>
        <article-title>Farming practices and crop species influence the population of total and alkaline phosphatase gene harboring bacteria in tropical agro-ecosystem&#13;
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            <given-names>Suresh Kumar</given-names>
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        <p>The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme is encoded by the phoD gene reported majorly in bacteria. In the present study, we investigated variation in the phoD gene abundance, and the relationship between phoD gene abundance, ALP enzyme activity and available P under different farming practice (organic vs conventional), crop species (chickpea, mustard, soybean and maize) and their growth stages (pre-vegetation, vegetative, flowering, maturation and post-harvest). The qPCR analysis revealed variation in total bacterial and phoD gene copy number (copies g-1dws), ranging from 1.40X109 to 9.16X1010 and 1.72X105 to 1.43X107, respectively. The farming practices suggested significant effect with increased activity of ALP, and abundance of phoD and 16S rRNA genes in organic farming than the conventional one. The 16S rRNA and phoD gene abundance varied significantly along different growth stages of crops in the order: flowering &gt; maturation &gt; vegetative &gt; post-harvest &gt; pre-vegetation stages with maximum in maize and lowest in soybean in both the farming practice. In conclusion, farming practices, crop types and crop growth stages influenced soil available P and significantly affected ALP activity by regulating phoD bacterial population in agroecosystem.&#13;
        <kwd>phoD gene copy number</kwd>
        <kwd> alkaline phosphatase activity</kwd>
        <kwd> available P</kwd>
        <kwd> farming practices</kwd>
        <kwd> crops</kwd>


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Centre of Advanced Study in Botany, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, India
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