Journal of Innovation in Applied Research (eISSN: 2581-4206)

Jounal of Innovation in Applied Research
(eISSN: 2581-4206)
Comparative study of growth, pigments and proximate composition of selected indigenous freshwater microalgae isolated from Bangladesh
Applied Microbiology | Volume 5 (Issue 1&2)

Comparative study of growth, pigments and proximate composition of selected indigenous freshwater microalgae isolated from Bangladesh

Zannatul Nayma,Helena Khatoon,Mohammad Redwanur Rahman, Fardous Ara Mukta, Razia Sultana, Mohammad Nuruzzaman
Open Access   
Published : 27-Apr-2022

DOI: 10.51323/JIAR.5.1.2022.13-24



Microalgae are considered as natural producers of protein, lipid, carotenoids, and fatty acids that are important not only in human and animal nutrition but also in medicines. Selection of the best performing locally isolated strains should be carried out to assess the nutritional properties of them as they are well adapted to local environment and exhibit better performance. Therefore, in the present study four independent primordial freshwater microalgae (Selenastrum sp., Ankistrodesmus sp., Monoraphidium sp., and Scenedesmus sp.) isolated from Bangladesh, were used to determine their growth, pigments and proximate composition. For growth determination, data were collected in terms of cell density and optical density, mass cultured in commercial Bold Basal Media and harvested at their stationary phases. Results showed that, onset of stationary phase (9-14 days) varied among the four species where Selenastrum sp. showed significantly highest cell density (5.66±0.08cells/mlx107). Among the four species Monoraphidium sp. showed significantly highest (p<0.05) chlorophyll a (11.264±0.065μg/mL), b (2.082±0.067μg/mL) and carotenoid content (8.05±0.07μg/mL). Moreover, Total phycobiliproteins was highest (p<0.05) in Scenedesmus sp. (6.105±0.12mg/g). Protein (32.44±2.17%dry weight) and lipids (25.28±0.31 %dry weight) content were significantly (p<0.05) highest in Monoraphidium sp. and Carbohydrates in Scenedesmus sp. (21.06±0.19 % dry weight). Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that, Monoraphidium sp. can be utilized as potential pigments source and Monoraphidium sp. and Selenastrum sp. as feed source to utilize those in different commercial application.

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            <given-names>Mohammad Redwanur</given-names>
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        <p>Microalgae are considered as natural producers of protein, lipid, carotenoids, and fatty acids that are important not only in human and animal nutrition but also in medicines. Selection of the best performing locally isolated strains should be carried out to assess the nutritional properties of them as they are well adapted to local environment and exhibit better performance. Therefore, in the present study four independent primordial freshwater microalgae (Selenastrum sp., Ankistrodesmus sp., Monoraphidium sp., and Scenedesmus sp.) isolated from Bangladesh, were used to determine their growth, pigments and proximate composition. For growth determination, data were collected in terms of cell density and optical density, mass cultured in commercial Bold Basal Media and harvested at their stationary phases. Results showed that, onset of stationary phase (9-14 days) varied among the four species where Selenastrum sp. showed significantly highest cell density (5.66±0.08cells/mlx107). Among the four species Monoraphidium sp. showed significantly highest (p</p>
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        <kwd> microalgae</kwd>
        <kwd> growth</kwd>
        <kwd> pigments</kwd>
        <kwd> proximate composition</kwd>


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Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittogram, Bangladesh
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