Effect of different nitrogen concentration on the growth, proximate and biochemical composition of freshwater microalgae Monoraphidium contortum
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of different nitrogen concentrations on the growth, pigments, and proximate composition of freshwater microalgae Monoraphidium contortum. It was observed that higher nitrogen concentration had a significant (p<0.05) impact on enhancing microalgal growth, photosynthetic activity, and protein and carbohydrate content. Maximum cell density (7.19Γ107 cells/mL), dry biomass (0.61g/L), and total chlorophyll (17.42 mg/L) were obtained in the highest concentration of (18.5g/500mL) NaNO3; on the contrary, minimum values were found in 6.5g/500mL NaNO3. Carotenoid (6.14 mg/L) and total phycobiliprotein (4.11 mg/g) were the maximum in control concentrations (12.5g/500mL) of NaNO3. The proximate composition also varied significantly (p<0.05) among all the treatments, where maximum protein (23.77% dry weight) and carbohydrate (22.79% dry weight) were produced in the highest nitrogen concentration (18.5g/500mL NaNO3) and minimum protein (16.36% dry weight) and carbohydrate (14.08% dry weight) were found in the lowest nitrogen concentration (6.5g/500mL NaNO3). Moreover, the highest lipid accumulation (20.07% dry weight) was obtained at the concentration of 6.5g/500mL NaNO3, whereas the lowest 15.88% dry weight lipid was in 12.5g/500mL NaNO3. This study stated that higher nitrogen concentration boosts the growth and nutritional profile of M. contortum, but lower nitrogen concentration enriches lipid production which will be economic in commercial microalgae culture.
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Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh
Department of Fishing and Post-Harvest Technology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University