Narrative Review on Metabolomics and its extensive Applications in Plant Biotechnology and Oncology
Metabolomics is that the study of metabolomes in cells, biofluids, tissues, or organisms to comprehensively determine and quantify each endogenous and exogenous low-molecular-weight (<1kDa) metabolites in an exceedingly high-throughput biological system. Together with alternative omics disciplines, metabolomics has several applications for health, disease, precision and personalized medication, single cell, epidemiologic population studies, metabolic phenotyping, and metabolome-wide interaction studies, preciseness metabolomics, and integrative omics, biotechnology, and applied science. The scientific study of chemical processes involving metabolites, small molecule substrates, intermediates and cell metabolism products is termed as Metabolomics. In particular, metabolomics is the systematic study of the unique chemical fingerprints that specific cellular processes leave behind the study of their metabolite profiles in small molecules. In this review we had covered that how metabolomics is being applied in plant biotechnology and in oncology and how its role had helped the research platform in data interpretation.
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