Journal of Innovation in Applied Research (eISSN: 2581-4206)

Jounal of Innovation in Applied Research
(eISSN: 2581-4206)
Clustering Methods For Improved Wireless Sensor Network
Applied Research | Volume 3

Clustering Methods For Improved Wireless Sensor Network

Akhilesh Waoo,Shivani Patnaha,Sanjay Sharma
Open Access   
Published : 20-Jul-2018

DOI: 10.51323/JIAR.1.2.2020.8-14



Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of network in which the nodes are self-configured and infrastructure-less. With the use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) we can easily monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. After collecting all these aspects and data we analyzed and monitor them in main location and after monitoring and observation report is prepared. The basic units of WSNs are sensors which are low-cost and low power. In this research paper, we are reviewing different Probabilistic clustering techniques to improve the network life time.

A computer network is a combination of multiple nodes connected to form a system. In network, multiple hosts connected for successful sharing of information.WSN networks are the networks which are connected by no. of host called sensors in a distributed manner. Sensor nodes are the basic unit of WSN. These are limited battery power, cost, memory limitation, limited computational capability, and the physical size nodes. Figure.1.Wireless Sensor Network The fundamental units of a sensor node are: Sensing unit combination of sensor and, processing unit combination of storage ad processor, transmission unit made by transreceiver and at last power unit. Components of sensor are shown in figure ad there interconnection as well. From last few decades WSN became the one of the most interesting and active field for the researchers for research and development. Key areas of research are different protocols to minimize energy consumption, hardware’s, power backups, battery reusability, distributed algorithms, synchronization etc. Because of its distributed nature WSN has opened the challenge for distributed and cooperative computing and communication. Figure.2.Components of Sensor In WSN the sensor nodes form a group to communicate and this group is named as "cluster". The clusters are simply the collection of multiple sensor nodes.After making cluster "cluster head" is generated to govern the communication among different clusters. When communication is completed all information is stored in one place called as base station. Multiple techniques are used to create cluster some of them are as follows: ? Deterministic technique ? Base station dependent technique ? Fixed parameter technique ? Fixed parameter technique Characteristics of WSNs Characteristics of a WSN network are as follows: ? Ease of use ? Heterogeneity of nodes ? Mobility of nodes ? Scalability ? Easy to node failure Applications of WSNs The WSN plays an important role in day to day life. The applications of wireless sensor networks are ranging from military to agriculture, disaster control, health care monitoring, environmental, disaster control, industrial monitoring as well. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WSN NETWORKS Any computer system is evaluated by using no. of parameters.Evaluation process basically involves rating your WSN network. Different parameters are mainly effect to the performance of any WSN network to degrade life time and energy.Some of the evaluating parameters are as follows: Secure mechanism: Security plays an important role in any network. Any network must be used some security mechanism to provide secure transmission between sender and receiver. Deployment cost: The deployment cost should be low. Delivery time: The delivery time / response time of any data packet should be fast in time. Nature of node: Two types of nodes are used in WSN. One is homogeneous and other one is heterogeneous. Distributed in nature: WSN is the collection of nodes, connected in the distributed manner to make a large network.

Scalable: The se of any WSN is scalable. Any no. of nodes connected to the network at any time. The working of network cannot be affected addition and deletion process of the node. CLUSTERING As we discussed earlier group of sensor nodes is called cluster. After making cluster "cluster head" is generated this is used to govern the communication among different clusters. Due to the low energy of each node the life time of any WSN is major issue because after the extortion of all energy it is difficult to maintain the network. So, we should minimize over all consumption of the power so we can increase the lifetime of network. Most of the resent research is done mainly in this field for power utilization. Clustering is the process of by which we can easily reduce the energy consumption by each node. Different clustering techniques are introduced to solve the problem.

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        <p>Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of network in which the nodes are self-configured and infrastructure-less. With the use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) we can easily monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. After collecting all these aspects and data we analyzed and monitor them in main location and after monitoring and observation report is prepared. The basic units of WSNs are sensors which are low-cost and low power. In this research paper, we are reviewing different Probabilistic clustering techniques to improve the network life time.&#13;
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Department of Computer Science, AKS University, Satna (M.P.) 485001
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